Project Name (as of June 30, 2018) Budget Expenditures
Child Study Center $270,000 $18,666
PE Complex/Pool Renovations $2,432,195 $288,686
Corte Madera Creek Mitigation $1,000,814 $5,814
Science Math & Nursing $1,360,000 $49,514
Village Square Replacement $3,600,000 $1,027
Site Improvements and Utilities $4,724,764 $1,174,057
Academic Center Expansion $7,550,000 $1,313
Parking Structure $9,000,000 $0
Fusselman Hall $6,550,000 $20,979
Performing Arts $520,000 $185,292
Fine Arts $670,000 $11,111
Maintenance & Operations Building and District Warehouse $9,471,918 $1,272,644
Student Services $51,395,750 $193,283
Learning Resources Center $32,313,552 $362,158
Athletic Synthetic Turf Fields and Restroom/Storage Facilities $9,452,797 $5,912,076
Demolition of Kent Avenue Maintenance Facilities $700,000 $320,670
Campus Contingency – Kentfield Campus $6,150,000 $0
 Total Kentfield Campus $147,161,792 $9,817,291

Project Name (as of June 30, 2018) Budget Expenditures
Building 27 (Dental, EMT, Court Reporting, Library) $1,350,000 $0
Building 12 $1,500,000 $0
Building 17 $1,250,000 $20,433
Jonas Center and Building 18 $11,409,989 $860,533
New Miwok Center $24,174,834 $2,634,933
Organic Farm/Garden Enhancements $3,041,155 $1,925,693
ADA Barrier Removal/Site Improvements $8,951,741 $5,522,598
Pomo Cluster $10,559,000 $3,418,384
Admin Cluster $5,702,045 $3,969,942
Demolition Project $1,715,000 $1,383,281
Maintenance & Operations Building (Consolidated) $0 $0
Storage (Consolidated) $0 $0
New Aquatics Center (Consolidated) $0 $0
Building 18 (Ohlone Cluster) (Consolidated) $0 $0
Building 21 (Old Pool Building) (Consolidated) $0 $0
IVC Tree Study and Removal Project (Canceled) $0 $0
Outdoor Amphitheater (Deferred; the final budget adjustment for this project was approved
by the Board of Trustees on 8/21/18 in Bond List Revision #5
$91,865 $94,331
 Campus Contingency – Indian Valley Campus $2,627,500 $0
 Total Indian Valley Campus $72,373,128 $19,830,129

Project Name (as of June 30, 2018) Budget Expenditures
Environmental Impact Report $895,668 $62,524
 Information Technology $10,737,725 $1,054,374
 Instructional and Other Equipment $17,923,397 $708,770
 Campus Security $1,015,060 $605,419
 District Wide/Program Contingency $8,124,722 $0
 Program Management, District Staff $7,019,262 $805,062
 Unallocated Interest Earnings $802,292 $0
 Total District $46,518,127 $3,236,149

Note: Rounding factors may apply.