The Marin Community College District is seeking qualified, interested individuals to serve on a committee of community leaders which will serve as the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (“CBOC”) for the implementation of the District’s Measure B school facilities bond program.

Interested in volunteering? Here’s a brief overview of what’s involved:

  • Meeting frequency: Quarterly (four meetings per year)
  • Time commitment: 1-year and 2-year terms, with the option for renewing
  • Purpose: To ensure the District is expending bond proceeds only for the purposes set forth in Measure B, as approved by the voters

What usually happens at these meetings?

  • Committee members receive updates from staff on recent activity related to the bond.
  • Committee members review expenditure reports on a quarterly basis.
  • Occasionally there are site tours (optional), allowing committee members to see new and upcoming projects firsthand.
  • Once a year, the committee issues an annual report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of bond proceeds.

Do I qualify for the Committee?

  • Employees, vendors, contractors, and consultants of the Marin Community College District are prohibited by law from being members of the Committee.
  • Ideal candidates will possess any combination of knowledge in the District, local community involvement, experience in finance/budgeting, and/or community relations. The President’s office reviews applications, selects candidates and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Members of the Committee are appointed by the Board of Trustees.

If you are interested in serving on the College of Marin’s Measure B Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, please complete and submit the online application below:


Apply Online!


Alternately, you may mail or deliver the printed application to:

Completed applications should be sent to the following address:

Marin Community College District
Attention: Eresa Puch, Vice President of Finance and Operations
835 College Avenue, Kentfield, CA 94904
Telephone: (415) 884-3100